Welcome to my personal website!

  • I am currently a postdoctoral scholar in Department of Chemistry at Stanford University, under the supervision of Todd Martínez. I obtained my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University with Hai Wang. Before that, I earned my M.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, and my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • About: research vision
  • My research mission is to develop next-generation sustainable and efficient aerospace propulsion devices. My goal is to tackle two challenges in the aerospace frontier: aerospace sustainability and high-speed aerospace vehicle design. I am particularly interested in understainding sustainable aviation biofuel and hydrogen combustion and its synthetic production pathways, along with the underlying reacting flow physics in both current aerospace propulsion devices and future carbon-neutral, high-speed vehicles.
  • My research approach centers around multiscale reacting flow modeling. I specialize in the development of modeling methodologies unique to reacting flow physics, such as chemical kinetics, molecular interactions, thermal nonequilibrium, and turbulent flows. To accomplish this, I integrate techniques such as GPU-accelerated quantum chemistry molecular modeling, chemical kinetic modeling, and turbulence-resolved flow simulations, with the aid of data-driven methods.
