- 02/19/25: My co-authored paper "Ultrafast events in electrocyclic ring-opening reactions" is now published in Annual Review in Physical Chemistry.
- 01/06/25: I attended AIAA SciTech in Orlando, FL.
- 01/01/25: I joined USC as an Assistant Professor in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The Xu SACE Research Group is launched!
- 09/11/24: I attended North American Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Conference and Expo in Saint Paul, MN.
- 08/02/24: I attended Emerging Frontiers in Computational Chemistry and Materials: A Symposium in Celebration of Emily Carter's Achievements in Pacific Grove, CA.
- 05/20/24: I accepted an offer to join the faculty of University of Southern California (USC), as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering in the Viterbi School of Engineering.
- 05/05/24: I attended 2024 West Coast Theoretical Chemistry (WCTC) meeting at UC Merced and presented a poster.
- 04/22/24: I attended the BASF CARA 10th Anniversary Science Symposium and Spring Review at UC Berkeley and presented a lightning talk.
- 03/19/24: I presented at at ACS Spring 2024 in New Orleans, LA, as the winner of the Wiley Computers in Chemistry Outstanding Postdoc Award.
- 02/20/24: Our recent two-paper series work on high-speed methane-air reacting flow modeling, is accepted by Combustion and Flame today. Title: "Modeling high-speed, methane-air, turbulent combustion" with Part I (co-author): "One-dimensional turbulence modeling with comparison to DNS", and Part II (first and corresponding author): "Reduced methane oxidation chemistry". See the Publication page for updates and details.
- 01/08/24: I attended AIAA SciTech in Orlando, FL.
- 11/03/23: I was invited and presented in the Physical Chemistry Seminar at Rutgers University.
- 10/27/23: I received the Wiley Outstanding Postdoc Award from ACS COMP Division today! Twitter annoucement from ACS here.
- 10/21/23: My co-authored paper "Foundational Fuel Chemistry Model 2 – iso-Butene chemistry and application in modeling alcohol-to-jet fuel combustion" has been accepted by Combustion and Flame.
- 10/18/23: I presented in BASF CARA Fall Review Meeting at UCSB.
- 10/03/23: My co-authored paper "Efficient Acceleration of Reaction Discovery in the ab initio Nanoreactor: Phenyl Radical Oxidation Chemistry" has been accepted by The Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
- 08/17/23: I presented at ACS Fall 2023 (COMP Quantum Mechanics Session) in San Francisco.
- 07/14/23: My paper "First principles reaction discovery: From the Schrodinger equation to experimental prediction for methane pyrolysis" has been featured in Chem. Sci. front cover, ChemSciHOT collections (media), and ChemSciPick of the week (media).
- 06/02/23: My paper "First principles reaction discovery: From the Schrodinger equation to experimental prediction for methane pyrolysis" has been accepted by Chemical Science.
- 05/06/23: I attended 2023 West Coast Theoretical Chemistry (WCTC) meeting at UC Davis and presented a poster.
- 03/02/23: My recent work on combining ab initio reaction discovery with chemical kinetic modeling is now on ChemRxiv.
- 02/10/23: My co-authored paper "Neural network approach to response surface development for reaction model optimization and uncertainty minimization" has been accepted by Combustion and Flame.