Teaching and Advisorship
Teaching Experience
- University of Southern California
- AME 526: Partial Differential Equations for Engineering Applications. Spring 2025
- Research group subgroup leader/lecturer, Quantum and Classical dynamics, Reaction Kinetics and Rate Theory, Numerical Integration. 2021-24
- Guest lecturer, ME 371: Combustion Fundamental, Winter 2019
- Teaching Assistant, ME 371: Combustion Fundamental, Winter 2018
- University of Southern California (Faculty advisor)
- Boyuan Yu, Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering, 2025-present
- Andrés Chamorro Domenech, M.S. student in Aerospace Engineering, 2025-present
- Garrett Kukier, Ph.D. candidate in Theoretical Chemistry, 2023-2024
- Soren Holm, Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry, 2021-2024
Thesis: "The dynamics and mechanisms of molecular reactions under tension" - Alexander M. Chang, Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry, 2020-2024
Thesis: "Advancing automated reaction discovery through novel acceleration techniques for ab initio molecular dynamics"
Current position: Lecturer in Chemistry & Biochemistry, Santa Clara University - Nicholaos Kateris, Mechanical Engineering, 2018-2020
Thesis: "Alkali polysulfide phosphorus complexation batteries: a quantum chemistry electrochemical study"
Current position: Postdoctoral Scholar in Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University - Kevin Wan, Mechanical Engineering, 2017-2020
Thesis: "Characterization of NOx and soot in premixed stagnation flames"
Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher, Sandia National Laboratories - Yue Zhang, Mechanical Engineering, 2016-2020
Thesis: "Neural network assisted combustion chemistry reaction model optimization and uncertainty minimization"
Current position: Applied Scientist II, Amazon Web Services (AWS)